Sugar and Spice Read online
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My boner was impressive, and the scalding water didn’t help. All I could think about was how magnificent her tits would look soaped up in my hands. I wanted to watch the water run down that trim waist and wide hips. Picturing her with perfect nipples, I pondered how good it would feel to suck on them.
A guy could go nuts thinking about it.
Pouring a large dollop of body wash into my hand, I began stroking. I held my shaft firmly with one hand while bracing myself against the cool tile with the other.
Experience told me this would be quick.
The body wash was strawberry scented, and made me think of laying in bed with her, feeding her chocolate covered strawberries. Rubbing chocolate on an erect nipple and licking or nibbling it off while she arched her back and called my name.
I thought about licking her clit while she ran her hands through my hair. I reveled in the friction my hand was causing as I stroked back and forth.
When I came, I came hard. It was exactly the release I needed, and my mind instantly felt a little clearer. She was still there, but at least the urge wasn’t so insistent, and I was able to fall asleep with minimal trouble.
Three hours later, after I finished the fight scene successfully, I went back to my trailer to fill Alex in on my bakery mission. If I were talking to anyone else in the world, I would have told them about Chrissy right away.
But Alex and I had a difficult history.
Considering we both had money at stake in this deal, I thought it might be best to keep everything to myself for the time being. No reason for anyone to get cold feet when a million dollars was on the line.
Also, if I ended up dating Chrissy, I would need a Plan B on the building layout. It would be a cold day in hell before Alex would ever compromise on the brewpub.
I mean, I wanted the sale to go through regardless, but I also wanted to keep that beautiful woman happy. If it meant continuing to lease that space to her, then we would find a way to make everything work.
I just hoped that when I saw her again that I could charm her with my personality and not my stardom. Not my usual style, but Chrissy wasn’t my usual girl.
I picked up the phone.
Me: Hey Al, I checked out that building. It’s nice, and it looks like there is already some development being planned on the street.
It took a minute before the reply came through. While I waited, I got down on the floor and started doing crunches. My trainer would kill me if she found out I had been eating croissants and drinking beer on a non-cheat day.
After ten minutes, I heard my phone buzz.
Alex: Can you picture Bayview Properties starting its first major project there?
Me: To be honest? Yeah, absolutely. There are some businesses in the building that we might want to consider keeping though.
I knew the spot would be killer; it was everything we had been searching for and more.
Alex: Great! Let’s strike while the iron’s hot! But I’m a little wary of doing anything short of a total renovation. We want this building to be ours.
Me: All right, but give me another day or two, I want to give the building one more look before we commit.
Alex: Okay, but don’t take too long. I’m catching a flight down next week. If this is a go, I want to schedule a meeting with the owner and put in an offer.
Me: Sounds good.
So that was settled, for now. I tossed my phone on the table of my trailer and sat down for the first time in twelve hours. It felt amazing.
Outside the window, I noticed Gene walking out and heading toward his beat-up pickup truck.
And my stomach was growling.
When was the last time I ate anything?
Jumping up, I opened my door and bellowed, “Hey Gene! Before you go, I have a favor to ask.”
Chapter Eight
“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, you are a fucking magician.”
Studying my reflection in the mirror, I admired Gene’s handiwork. The beard looked natural, and so flattering on me I considered growing one out for real. Once the show was wrapped, of course.
“You really must have had a lot of fun last night if you want to be made up again.”
“I had a blast, Gene. Feeling like a normal human has that effect on me,” I said.
“Well, have fun with whatever it is you have planned. Maybe when the show is over, I’ll give you your own fake beard set so you can experience the boring lives of us normies.”
I studied Gene’s chubby exterior and bearded face; there was nothing else in the world I wanted more.
“If you do that, I’ll buy you and Beatrice a house on the beach.”
I was obviously joking, but Gene’s eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. Oh no.
“Whoa! Really?”
The combination of last night’s beers plus thoughts of Chrissy had turned my brain to mush.
“No Gene, I’m sorry I don’t know why that came out of my mouth. But hey, maybe a timeshare on a beach or something,” I said.
His shoulders slumped, “Well if I only get a timeshare out of you then you only get a press on soul patch out of me.”
He started first, but before I could rein myself in, I clutched my sides and cracked up right along with him. There was a chance too much smiling would fuck up my new beard, but I couldn’t help myself; Gene just had that effect on me.
“I’m not gonna lie Gene, not seeing you on set every day is going to suck.”
“You too, brother,” he said, his laughter dying down. “We have a couple more weeks at least.”
“If you don’t get hired on at another studio first,” I said under my breath.
The probability of Gene getting a job and leaving before the last episodes were done filming was high. We both knew it.
He glanced around the room to be sure the rest of the crew was out of ear shot.
“To tell you the truth, it looks like I might have another opportunity opening up for me in the next few days.”
He dropped his eyes like he was ashamed, and my heart sank in my chest. Every one on set assumed Gene would be one of the first crew members to get hired on another production. The guy was one of the best, and we were lucky to have had him as long as we did.
I stuck my hand out to shake his, but he pulled me in for a hug instead.
“Alright, keep me in the loop.”
“Will do, Jax. I gotta head out before Beatrice calls in the national guard to hunt me down. It’s lasagna night and you know how she gets on lasagna night.”
He was right, I had seen the crazy look in Beatrice’s eyes when she tried to feed an entire neighborhood her twelve pound monstrosity more than once.
“I can’t believe she willingly makes that much food in one go.”
“Eh, it’s for the kids. She loves feeding people and luckily for her, the neighborhood loves to eat. I would invite you, but it sounds like you have plans.”
“Maybe I’ll stop by for desert on my way home.”
“You are welcome to stop by any time. If we don’t see you, have a fun night pretending to be one of the unwashed masses like the rest of us,” he said.
I’m going to miss working with that guy.
Before I could go anywhere, I had to go back to my house first to change cars. I didn’t want to roll up in my Mercedes, and thought my old pickup might be a better choice.
When I got back to Ruby’s it was approximately 4:45 pm.
Just before closing time.
When I peered in the window, Chrissy was sweeping the front of the cafe. As if sensing my presence, she looked up and saw me. I must have startled her because the broom flew from her hands and fell to the ground. Sensing my chance to woo her, I rushed in the door.
“Here, let me,” I said, bending down to retrieve her broom.
“It’s you,” she said, staring at me.
“Yes, it is indeed me. And you are… you.”
“I’m sorry, I realize how s
tupid I sounded just now. I just didn’t expect to see you again so soon.”
She reached out to take the boom but I kept my hand on it. When she put her other hand on it to pull it away, I covered her hand with mine.
“Are you going to fight me for this broom?” I asked. “Because I really did not prepare for a battle this afternoon.”
Letting out a nervous laugh, she relented and gave up the broom.
“Okay big guy, it’s yours if you want it. But make sure you get into all the corners, I know the boss, and she can be a real bitch about cleanliness.”
I started in on the area she was sweeping, making sure to get all the crumbs and sprinkles I could find while she leaned against the counter watching me intently. I made sure to make a grand production of moving tables and chairs to clean every inch of floor.
“So, I’m confused. Did you really show up just to sweep my floor?” She asked.
“Well, no,” I said, crouching to retrieve a sugar packet that had lodged its self under the bottom of the red leather stool.
“I thought I would stop by and place an order to get delivered to my work later in the week. You need business and I need to keep my crew happy. It’s a win, win. Also, I want to buy everything you have left in that pastry case.”
She glanced at the case as if remembering it was there, and her eyes grew wide.
“Jeff, that is a lot of pastries. Are you sure?”
“Hell yes I’m sure. And make sure you put some quince butter inside that box, darlin’”
I laid the charm on thick, and for good reason. She was even sexier today than yesterday, and was quickly becoming all I could think about. Watching her walk behind the counter, she crouched down and retrieved some of the largest food boxes I’ve ever seen. Each move she made pulled her jumpsuit tight across her body and I could feel my pants getting tighter by the second.
Since when do I get sexually aroused over pastries?
She carefully took each treat and layered them in the box. From my count, there were at least three cinnamon rolls, ten assorted cookies, and several extravagant chocolate covered eclairs dripping with cream. I licked my lips thinking of her eating one of them, sucking the cream out of the end before it dripped down her chin…
How have I never noticed that eclairs look like chocolate covered dicks?
God, I wanted to bend her over the glass case while I unzipped her uniform and fucked her from behind.
Focusing on the job she had assigned to me, I scooped all the debris into the dust pan before dumping the mess into the garbage. Making sure to keep my body turned away from her, so she didn’t see the tent in my pants.
“Well I don’t know what you do for a living, but you are ripped for someone who buys out bakeries.”
When I put the last chair back in place, I saw she was eyeing me intently again. When our eyes met, she quickly dropped her gaze to my crotch before turning her head in a completely different direction. From the color in her cheeks, it was obvious what she had seen
Had I been certain we were alone, I would have taken her right then and there on the counter top in front of that large floor to ceiling window.
Onlookers be damned!
“Let’s just say I get plenty of physical activity in my life.” I set the broom aside and took my credit card out of my wallet.
“And don’t forget the order I want to place. Friday, let’s say two pm. Can you do one hundred croissants?”
A voice squeaked from the corner, and we both turned to see a short, dark haired woman with a matching uniform watching the situation with intensity.
From the way she looked at me, it was obvious she knew exactly who I was, and now it was my turn to blush. I figured she must have been the infamous Sarah from the way she immediately stepped in and took over the remainder of the transaction.
“Yes!” She said, scurrying over to Chrissy’s side. “Yes, we can do that many croissants. Anything else?” She asked. Chrissy shot daggers at her with her eyes as if Sarah was a mother embarrassing her teenage daughter.
“Maybe some cookies, and cupcakes? Hell, I want treats for about 200 people. You nice ladies are the experts.”
When she handed me the credit card slip to sign, I included a generous tip.
“Thank you so much for your order Mr. Jaxon, we will be sure to be at your place of business, Friday at 2pm. Chrissy, can you help the man with loading his bakery boxes while I count down the register?”
“Of course,” Chrissy said, not at all impressed with how her friend came out of the office and took over the transaction. “I’m not just going to stand here and do nothing while you count, and he deals with a caddywompus stack of bakery boxes. Ouch!”
Turning my head back, I caught Sarah giving Chrissy a firm pinch in her midsection. Chrissy swatted her hand away as I turned away from them, biting back my laughter.
I took the top three boxes, and Chrissy grabbed the one on the bottom. I had no idea what I would do with all this sugar, but seeing her again was worth the price.
Opening the passenger door, I gently placed the boxes down, taking the same care she did while packaging them.
“Thank you again Chrissy, I will see you on Friday.”
Without hesitation, I took her hand and held the back of it to my lips, holding her gaze as I pressed my lips to her skin.
“Okay, see you then.”
I stood and watched her turn around and walk back inside the building. Sarah already had her phone out and was snapping a photo, but I was too engrossed in that sweet ass as it sashayed away from me.
I wanted to eat her like a peach.
Chapter Nine
“What. The. Fuck. Was. That. Dude?” I yelled when I stormed back inside the bakery. I couldn’t believe how weird she was acting.
And to pinch me in front of a customer was way out of line.
Sarah was standing there with her cell phone out, not paying attention to a word I was saying, and for a split-second, I thought I would scream.
“He’s like the hottest guy I’ve ever seen in my life, and you go all super boss lady on me? We’re partners! What the hell were you thinking?”
I was irate, but Sarah was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“Chrissy, this is important. Was that the hot lumberjack from the other day? The one who asked you out?”
She had her eyebrows raised and was staring at me as if I was an idiot.
“Yes. That was him. Why? What on God’s green earth has gotten into you?”
“You beautiful, tall, blonde bimbo.” Instead of answering me, she took her phone out of her pocket and typed furiously.
One of our part-timers peeked his head out of the kitchen, no doubt wondering what the hell his bosses were arguing about. If he stood there long enough, he might get to witness the beginning of our Fight Club. Exciting.
“Don’t make me slap the shit out of you,” I hate whispered to Sarah while smiling at Kenneth. I didn’t want him to think I was a monster.
“It’s all right Kenneth, we just got a big order for Friday. I need you to double the batch of preferment you’re making tonight, so we can have those ready. Okay?”
He looked from me to Sarah like a deer in the headlights before nodding his head. “Okay, Miss.”
“Kenneth, I’ve told you a hundred times, you can call me Chrissy. And you can call this small, pain in my ass, Sarah.”
Poor little thing had been working with us for a week but was still afraid to call us by our real names.
Bless his heart.
Sarah shoved her phone in my face. On the screen was a beefed up, pale vampire. He had silver eyes, blood dripping from his mouth, and was ripping the tight white t-shirt from his massively muscular frame.
“Am I supposed to know who that is?” I asked.
“You didn’t even look!” She shouted. I tried turning around to resume my cleaning, but she was relentless. I looked at the phone again, but I still couldn’t figure out w
hat she was trying so desperately to show me.
“It’s the vampire from that show. What does he have to do with anything?”
“That show is Dark Night and that vampire is Drake.”
Scrolling through her phone again, she furiously flipped past screen after screen of pictures. When she came to the one she was looking for, she squeaked and shoved it in my face for a third time.
This time he was out of his vampire clothes and appeared to be shopping in Beverly Hills with a drop dead gorgeous brunette at his side. From the angle of the picture, it looked like a photo that would be on display in a trashy grocery store tabloid. And it was. When I scrolled up, I saw that it came from Radar Online, the worst garbage magazine of them all.
The headline read “Wedding Bells For Jax?”
Recognition began setting in. This man had sandy blonde hair, and blue-grey eyes the color of an ocean storm.
He also had one perfectly formed dimple on his left cheek.
I reached out and took the phone from her hands before collapsing on a stool. I went back to Google and typed the name ‘Jeffrey Jaxon’ and the results took the breath from my lungs.
The more photos I clicked on, the more convinced I became.
“Oh my God,” I said.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Pictures of him, in various states of undress, were everywhere. He had more fan sites than Brad Pitt, and women were drawn to him like ants to sugar.
No wonder he was so sweet.
“Not just any celebrity,” Sarah said, taking the seat next to me and ripping the phone from my hands. “Jeffrey Jaxon is a big deal.”
She pointed to a new photo she found of him in his underwear. In it, he was standing on a beach in nothing but a pair of tidy whities, pouring a bucket of water over his head. Everything about him was sexy and toned, but what the eyes were really drawn to was his enormous package.